When you start developing the online side of your business, pretty much anything you do will create positive opportunities for your company. With a brand-rich digital beauty of a website, carefully curated SEO content and a considered content marketing strategy consumers will engage, there’ll be an increase of visitors to your website and more leads generated.
But as time goes by, progress may falter or, in worst case scenario, stop.
Anything to do with content marketing is a rollercoaster. When it works well, it has the potential to skyrocket your business into the profit stratosphere, but then what once worked well can lose relevance and impact.
What is going on?
There can be valid reasons for your content marketing strategy failing that are beyond your control, for example:
But there are causes you DO have control over, and you CAN remedy. Here are 3 common content marketing strategy mistakes:
If you don’t know the intention behind the content you are creating, you risk publishing ‘jack of all trades and master of none’ content – bland, grey, and forgettable. All content you publish must benefit your business in some shape of form, whether it’s for SEO to get more visitors to your website, subscribe to a newsletter, or to strengthen your brand. Understanding and defining your who, what and why, also helps develop your brand’s tone of voice so you shine brightly amongst your competitors.
Remember, the content you publish doesn’t have to be a great hit with every Tom, Dick and Harry. Instead, focus on who your ideal customers are and make sure you know what action you want them to take in response to the content.
You very well maybe the leading authority in your industry, but the majority of consumers don’t care. Consumers are fatigued by content that solely focuses on the minutiae of your business and dry topics. They want to see how you can help them do XYZ. The best digital marketing content involves both parties – think conversation rather than monologue. Readers want to feel like you genuinely understand them and offer a solution to their problems – they want to clearly see the benefits of buying your products and services.
A content marketing strategy is not simply the title of a section of your business plan that’s hidden in a drawer. It’s alive: a document of reference, guidance and direction that can be tweaked, adapted, and adjusted to reflect current priorities and business goals, bringing life to the brand experience. Experiment, test, innovate and inject passion into your content. Explore different mediums - a business video production to use across different channels, hire a copywriter to look at your business with fresh eyes and create new content to engage visitors.
Digital Presence collaborates with small and medium businesses to help them thrive online. We’re a digital marketing Christchurch agency who looks at businesses holistically to develop a content marketing strategy that’s agile, reactive, effective and, most importantly profitable. Contact Digital Presence Christchurch NZ to learn more, say goodbye to stagnant and underperforming content, and hello to a new energy for your business.
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