Planning and designing a new business website design is one of those tasks that starts off with good intention and great ideas but has the potential to escalate into a chaotic, overwhelming experience. An overloaded mish mash of digital drama. With millions of websites online for inspiration, where the heck do you start?
And where do you finish? If you are feeling overwhelmed by your website design, how is the visitor going to feel?
Every element of a website needs to be carefully considered and balanced, from the format and font to the images, content, brand-rich graphics, SEO, and calls to action. All need to unite to create a lead generating, profit boosting visual masterpiece.
And this is why white space is an important, but often overlooked, element in website design. It's the space that gives your website a sense of balance and helps to create a visually appealing design. White space highlights specific elements of your website design and draws attention to them. It helps to make your website more user-friendly by making it easier to navigate and read.
Digital Presence is a web design company Christchurch based but serving New Zealand. We help businesses thrive online through effective yet beautiful website designs - and we are unsurprisingly big fans of white space. By using white space strategically, we create a website that is both visually appealing and supremely user-friendly. Supremely user-friendly? That’s a big thumbs up for SEO purposes too.
White space is everything from the distance between lines to the letter spacing and the space encompassing text and images. It’s the fuel of a website’s flow and enables seamless navigation.
Too much white space and the website design feels empty and causes a sense of disconnect with the reader; too little and the page feels cluttered and unprofessional. The correct use of white space increases the page’s readability by 20%.
Website designers love white space, yet oftentimes web masters want the space filled – for every pixel to be used. However, this is a false economy, sometimes less is more and white space is not wasted space. White space underpins the best website designs – enjoyable to use, easy to interact with and easy on the eye.
Contact Digital Presence for a free no-obligation chat about your brand’s current online representation, and how we can breathe new life into it though our tailored web design services (Christchurch based but serving the rest of New Zealand too). Call 0274 278047.
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